Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Free* furnace cleaning

There was a recent Groupon "deal" for a $200 furnace cleaning/inspection for $89. I really doubt that the $200 value has any relation to reality (who would ever partake of a "regular price" $200 furnace cleaning? Sounds like fraud to me), but $89 is still a rip-off when the competition is $0.

To be fair, if you have a house in Edmonton then you're already paying $50 a month to the gas company for nothing, so *it's not really free, but...

Once a year you can get the gas company to inspect your furnace. They'll clean the pilot light if necessary and scrape the dust out of the gas... uh... BBQ thing. It's probably worth doing every few years. Anyone who ordered the Groupon "deal" is a sucka.

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